Since September 2013, mainstream academies and free schools are able to accept in-year admission applications directly from parents. An in-year admission application is one that is made outside of the normal time of transfer between schools, for example when a family moves house part way through a school year.

Our mainstream schools receive and decide on 'In-year' Admissions applications, so please contact them in the first instance by using the Trust's Admissions form below.
Local authorities are still required to co-ordinate admission applications in the normal admissions round at the beginning of primary (Reception) and the transition to secondary school (Year 7).
For our special schools and specialist resource bases and units applications are made via the relevant Local Authority. For Kirkley Nursery please contact the nursery manager directly.
Local authorities are still required to co-ordinate admission applications in the normal admissions round at the beginning of primary (Reception) and the transition to secondary school (Year 7).
For our special schools and specialist resource bases and units applications are made via the relevant Local Authority. For Kirkley Nursery please contact the nursery manager directly.
The following links will enable you to access the Local Authorities admission page for reception children.